All products sold by Superior Plumbing & Heating carry a manufacturer’s warranty. They are NOT manufactured by Superior Plumbing & Heating; therefore, the products are subject only to the manufacturer’s warranty and in accordance with its terms and conditions. No other warranties are expressed or implied by Superior Plumbing & Heating. If you think you have a defective product, refer to the packaging for information about the product warranty. All warranties are the sole responsibility of the manufacturer. Superior Plumbing & Heating disclaims liability for any injury, loss, damage or expense (including labour) arising out of the use or inability to use any product sold.
We need to be given at least 3 (three) business hours’ notice from the beginning of the appointment if you want to cancel or reschedule your appointment.
For example, if your appointment is between 12pm-4pm, we must be notified before 9am the same day. If you are calling after the pointed hours, please DO NOT LEAVE A VOICEMAIL. A service call can be cancelled only with the help of a live agent, and a cancellation code will be provided to you over the phone.
Failure to comply with our cancellation policy will result in a reduced service call of $125 CAD + tax.
Payment must be made within 24 hours of the original appointment.
For the benefit of our customers, we strive to process orders as soon as possible. As such, orders may be shipped from our warehouse immediately after they are placed. We cannot make changes and/or cancellations of the orders once they have been processed. We ask that the clients check orders carefully prior to submission. In case a cancellation is required, please contact us as soon as possible to increase the likelihood that we will be able to stop your order from being processed. Please note that while we will do our best to cancel your order if necessary, we cannot provide such a guarantee. Items marked as “Special Order” cannot be cancelled.
Areas Served by Our Company
- Ontario
- Quebec
- British Columbia
- Alberta
- Manitoba
- Nova Scotia